
Anthony P. Fejes

Welcome to my webpage. If you haven’t met me before, you might have bumped into something I’ve done. I’m currently the C.E.O. of HTuO Biosciences, where we’re working to make drug design more accurate, so that we can make better drugs, get them to market faster, and make the whole process less expensive. I suggest you check out our webpage for more information.

You may also be familiar with my first startup, Zymeworks, where I was a co-founder. I like to take credit for the name of the company, the business model and the founding technology platform.

I’m also a big fan of giving back to the bioinformatics community, and consequently, you can find me on reddit as well, in the r/bioinformatics forum, where I’ve been the primary moderator since 2016.


  • 2012 – Ph.D., Bioinformatics, University of British Columbia
  • 2004 – Masters of Science, Microbiology and Immunology, University of British Columbia
  • 2001 – Bachelors of Independent Studies, University of Waterloo
  • 2000 – Bachelors of Science, Hon. Co-op Biochemistry, University of Waterloo

Resume & Publications

For a reasonable approximation of my resume, please check out my linkedin profile.

Publications & Patents via Google Scholar
Post-graduate Theses via UBC Cirlcle


Please email me at my gmail.com address. My user id is, obviously, apfejes.
Alternately, find me on twitter: @apfejes

6 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Naomi,

    Thanks for the kind comments! I have already been warned about the cake consumption issues – although I have to say it’s the “Danishes” that have me worried, as you just can’t get pastries that good here in Canada. I’ll clearly have to take up more energetic hobbies if I hope to stay reasonably thin.

    Unfortunately, I don’t expect to be at AGBT this year. I haven’t discussed it with the CLC guys yet, but unless it fits in with their plans, I just don’t see it happening.

    As for my sister in law spoiling the surprise, I’m not too upset. I heard she was pretty excited about trying to get a CLC bio t-shirt, and I suspect she already thought all of the CLC bio crew would have known. (=

    And finally, to subscribe to the blog, you can either look for the RSS feed link on the front page, or you can follow me on twitter, as I usually post new blog items there.

    I hope we do get the chance to meet up – undoubtedly at some point we’ll meet at a conference (=

  2. Yes, I am in Denmark now, but there hasn’t been any disruption in my email. On the other hand, I still don’t have internet access outside of work yet, so I’m a bit slow replying to people at the moment. MSN will have to wait till I’m online in the evenings – and yes, Denmark *is* 9 hours ahead of Vancouver, so if you’re expecting me online during Vancouver’s time zone, you might be somewhat disappointed!

    • Seems highly unlikely – Fejes is a relatively common Hungarian last name, and I’m not aware of any Emeric Fejes’ in my family. Of course, if you go back far enough, it’s entirely possible we’re related, but it’s not going to be a close relation by any stretch.

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